Adeno/Endo Diet: One Year Assessment

It has been a year since I decided to eat clean as part of my efforts healing from Adenomyosis. I keep records of my food intakes but never really make assessments whether I follow Endo Diet properly.

Couple days ago I had a chat with my doctor regarding my current condition. My pain has been lessened (which is great!), but she seemed concerned about my diet. She keeps telling me “Please take care of your diet”. She said that because she knows how awful my diet these last few months. So I decided to check whether I was that bad 🙄

I tracked back my diet from Dec 2016 to Dec 2017. The assessment based on these criteria:

NO” Food: food that I shouldn’t eat, such as non-organic meats and eggs, dairy, soy products, sugary food, fried food, food that contains gluten (wheat, barley, bulgur, mir, rye, seitan), processed food, bad oils, spicy food, and coffee.

” ” Food: non-plants food that gives me no harms, such as organic eggs and salmons.

The last one year, I always thought that consuming whole-wheat products won’t give my body any bad effects because my doctor told me I can eat whole-wheat product in moderation. But finally, in my last period,  I noticed how bloated I was after I ate a whole-wheat bread. I decided to try to eliminate wheat from my diet completely.

In this assessment, I included wheat as part of my NO food. And to be honest, I feel disappointed with my assessment results😞 You will understand why after you see these pictures…

Dec 2016 As you can see, lots of NO-NOs there which relate to lots of pains 😓 What I’ve done? Why did I torture my self? 😭

I’m trying to do better this month…

Every day is a battle for me… but as I said, I might be crawling, but I will keep going!

Ellie ~ Adeno Warrior


January PD2 – It’s Snowing in Nanjing

It’s snowing in Nanjing! Yay! 😍

As a person who was born and raised in a tropical country, snowy day is something that I always cherish. I usually will go out and walk around my neighborhood and play with snow. In fact, that’s what I did this early January when we had our first snow in Nanjing. But today, I will stay at home because I’m on my period 😬

Today is our third snowy day of this month. It’s not too common in Nanjing to have more than one snowy day. Last year we only have one snowy day, and it was a thin snow. The year before that also the same. But this year we have more snow and it’s heavy. Schools are closed today, some government offices, even some restaurants are closed! Is global warming causes this cold weather? I do think so 😣

Enough about snow, let’s talk about period 😜

Today is day 3 of my cycle, normally I will be in pain (at least level 3/10) 😅 But guess what? I feel almost no pain today! Yay! This morning I only feel slight rectum discomfort (0.5/10), slight lower back discomfort (0.5/10) and slight lower abdomen discomfort (0.5/10) after I went number 2. I took 1 each of diclofenac+pantoprazole this morning because I was afraid of the pain after I went number 2 (which I usually have!). It’s amazing how little pain I have today😱

Day 1 was the worst pain I have so far for this cycle, and it was level 3-4/10 and last for about 8 hours. On my last cycle, the worst pain was on day 2 with the highest pain level of 4-5/10, I don’t remember how long it was last.

I think the significant pain relief is because of Serrapeptase enzyme that my doctor prescribed me to take since Nov 22, 2017, and also I do better on my Endo diet since early January 2018.

Before I took the Serrapeptase enzyme, my worst pain was on day 2 (Nov 7,2017) with the highest pain level of 7/10 for lower back pain and 4/10 for lower abdomen pain. After two months of Serrapeptase and proper Endo Diet, it’s down to level 3-4/10. And also my cycle has been lengthened from 23 days to 28 days this month! 😱😍

It’s amazing! Now I’m a believer!

I’ll talk more about my pain tracker these last few months and Serrapeptase enzyme in a different post. TTYL!😘

First Update in 2018

Yes, it’s January 16, 2018. It’s a very late new year greetings! 😆

I haven’t posted anything here for more than a month. I was busy failing on my Endo diet and trying to get back on track over and over again! 😅

2018 gives me a new kind of stress in my head. My husband and I are planning to move to his home country this year. We are busy preparing my immigrant visa application and making some scenarios of what ifs. What if I couldn’t get my visa this summer while my husband already told his boss he would not continue his work contract? What if after we moved back to his home country we couldn’t get a job? In my head was, what if after I migrated there my condition not getting better and I couldn’t work? The living cost there is much higher than China’s and if my husband is the only one who works, our life will be more difficult than in China. I wouldn’t have health insurance and the gynecologist cost would be ridiculously expensive. God, I need to take a deep long breath…

Okay, enough with an unnecessary stress that I have just created. New update, my Ayurvedic doctor prescribed me with a new Ayurvedic medicine at the end of December. She also told me to take Serratiopeptidase enzymes – it’s supposed to help to relief my pain naturally because it’s coming from silkworms enzyme (We will talk about it later in a different post) and she told me to take diclofenac to replace ibuprofen (It works much better than ibuprofen for me, but I have to take it with pantoprazole so it won’t irritate my stomach lining). So far my pain is lessened but the duration of the bleeding is lengthened although the bleeding volume is less. This is my second-month taking Serratiopeptidase, I think my body is still adapting. I read that we can see the result of taking Serratiopeptidase after 3 months so we will see!

That’s all for now, I will try to post another update this week.
